It will take 2 days to travel from London to Beijing!

Yes, it will take only 2 days to travel from London to Beijing - in ten years' time!

Megan Treacy reports:

China's high-speed rail plans get more ambitious by the day. Not satisfied with having the world's most advanced and extensive rail line in the world, China is now planning to connect its rail system to 17 other countries in Asia and Eastern Europe where it will join the European rail network.

China plans to have this massive project completed in 10 years. The rail system will include three major continent-crossing lines running at 200 mph. One line will connect London to Beijing in a two-day trip and continue on to Singapore. Another will link Vietnam, Thailand, Burma and Malaysia. The third will connect Germany to Russia, go across Siberia and back into China.

With travelers able to take major routes like these at high speeds, air travel may become a lot less necessary across Europe and Asia.

China will be financing the project in exchange for access to natural resources from the 17 countries the rail lines will run through. As an example, Burma will provide China with lithium for its rail connection.